Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Hatred must Stop Now

This is in response to a fb group that was started about a Student (my best friend stepson) by some students to harass him because he is unique and different in a good way.

I woke up this morning with all intentions of getting a nap since I stayed up late watching a movie on CMT.  Like every morning I log onto facebook to see what my friends are doing.  It is an early morning ritual.  I came across a new group that several of my friend that are like family where joining and decided to check it out since the group was about my friend's step son.  When I click the link to the group I was appalled by the comments that were being made on this fb group page and that facebook had not deleted it yet.  My dislike for what was going became anger that someone would target a young teenager for being unique and different.  

For those who did this I am really sad because they obviously have no heart.  Have they ever heard of bullying?  Do they not know that there are laws against this type of behavior.  I wish that teenagers would think before they do because their reactions can hurt other people.  As read the comments and the reaction that this young boy was writing back with  my heart went out to him because he was really upset.  At one point he even talked about he didn't even know why he was living.  As I read that my anger started to boil over because no child should be mad to feel that way.  

If only his classmates would take the time to get to know this young man they would realize that he is a very caring and loving person who would not hurt anyone.  That is unique personality is what makes him what he is and that his friendship would be worth more than any amount of money in the world.  Sadly this age is difficult because those who do the hateful acts do not realize the consequences that they could be causing.  

For the young population and my children please think before you tease someone because those comments will hurt the person even though they hide the heart ache you cause them.  Just because someone is different doesn't mean that someone should treat them like XXXX.  Uniqueness is what makes one an individual.  

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